Thursday, July 15, 2010

3 idiots

best kan kalau jadi seorang pelajar yg genius? sebuah citer yg aku baru tgk.xde ah baru sgt dlm sebulan lepas.
bagi yg xminat hindustan cube korg try tgk muvi nih..
cube korg buang sikit ego yg xpenah tgk muvi hindustan tryy muvi ni..
sesuai utk seorg pelajar U.especially to mechanical engineering students.haha.
bagi aku muvi ni best.paling best lepas kabhi kushi kabhi gham ngn KKHH dulu.

10 reasons why i like this story:

1)we learn something about human behaviour today..
"if your friends fail,you feel sad,but if your friends come first you fell even more sad.."

2)kite perlu hafal definition ikot ape yg kite phm,bukannye hafal directly through the dictionary.
for eg:
"what is meant by machine?=something that reduce human effort like feeling hot,press button,FAN! not any combination body so connected by which meants force bla bla bla..

3)we studied to get the degree but he studied just to get the knowledges.

4)you find the meaning prerajulisation and farhanitrate..

5)we got hundreds of exam but we only got one appreciate it.

6)do you really interested in the course you had taken?
like them,one of them took mech eng but in real life he love photography as his career..
and another one,took engineering but later works in the bank.what??
so choose course that we are really2 interested in!(naseb baik aku tolak offer mechanical eng dulu)

7) ade seorg pelajar ni die sgt bergantung pada tuhan die utk study.ape-ape je berdoa.sgt takot naseb dan takdir sendiri.kite kena percaya pada qada' dan qadar.cewah~

8)the universities only teach the students how to get good marks.we only remember neil armstrong as the first human to the moon,but the second?

10)this is the only story yg delivered baby using vacuum cleaner!

(p/s: saya tak dibayar oleh kerajaan India utk mmpromosikan filem ini)